Question 312

Photo by: Dustin Phillips

51 Responses to “Question 312”

  1. florence And the machiene

  2. Jack Johnson πŸ™‚

  3. legolas:

    Nithya Shanti And Snatam Kaur

  4. Tina:

    Riverdance, Norah Jones, or Eva Cassidy.

  5. m:

    Ash Koley and Allo, Darlin’.

    I just can’t help but smile.

  6. Diii:

    Journey don’t stop believing

  7. Christian:

    The Blizzard…

  8. Heather:

    Imogen Heap. She inspires me so much and listening to her amazing talent can’t help but distract me from my own pitiful life.

  9. Hannah:

    the pixies, the sonics, and the song “better things” by the kinks πŸ™‚

  10. Nas:

    Romanian Music and Trance.Specifically Stereo Love,Amazing and till the sky falls down.

  11. Hana:

    Norah Jones, Jack Johnson, OST of movie Beach, Yoga Music, A.HA album – Minor Earth, Major Sky

  12. Sophia:

    Faith by George Michael, Love it when you call by The Feeling. And mostly just happy songs.

  13. Vilde:

    edward sharp and the magnetic zeroes!!!!!!

  14. Dan:

    I know when I’m upset when I deliberately choose not to listen to music.

  15. Sam:

    One song.

    I Will Follow You Into The Dark.

    Listen, and smile. πŸ™‚

    Every little thing, is gonna be alright.

  16. Rachael:

    Taylor Swift, NeverShoutNever.
    Mostly stuff that really connects to me personally and is kind of soulful.

  17. Bon Jovi – just about anything

  18. melissa:

    Brooke waggoner -fresh pair of eyes

  19. John Mayer, Chris Isaak, Jason Mraz, My Mum

  20. Tiva:

    Anything on my iPod, but usually always love listening to Elton John’s music.

  21. Danny:

    Christian music

  22. moe:

    airborne toxic event
    anything with no words and lost of nice beats

  23. Anne:

    any kind. just music.

  24. Margaret Murphey:

    Anything that speaks to my soul. Usually country music. πŸ™‚

  25. Aneke:

    “Liberty Bell” by The Gathering, great woman, great voice… so lovely!

    Or Cake’s “I will survive”! πŸ˜€

  26. Casey F:

    Skrillex seems to be doing it lately.

  27. Anonymous:

    John Mayer

  28. In Flames, Hatebreed, anything that speaks to the strength that I know I have but seldom use.

    “From green to red, our days pass-by; waiting for a sign to tell us why, are we dancing all alone? Collect our stars, to shine for you; and start today, there are only a few… the sign of times, my friend”

    In Flames, “Trigger” –


    Hatebreed, “Supremacy of Self” –

  29. tqp:

    ζ’ι™θŒΉηš„ζ­ŒοΌŒor my life will suck without you like which can let out my sadness

  30. T.R.:

    & Eminem’s “Not Afraid”.

  31. jw:

    there are many such songs

  32. Toon:

    Angels and Airwaves always lift me up when i am feeling down.

  33. Courtney:

    Depends whats wrong, but i tend to sing. Whatever soulful song stays in my head.

  34. anonymous:

    Tenth Avenue North

  35. amitsakade:

    Fix You by COLDPLAY

  36. Amanda:

    Motion City Soundtrack, Jimmy Eat World, Florence and the Machine

  37. Faith:

    Deftones. I could just fall asleep to their music (in a good way).

  38. Mel:

    Soundtrack from “Wicked”. Defying Gravity and For Good remind me of the friends I have and my ambitions in life.

  39. vanessa:


  40. Carrie:

    Wizard Rock! I know its nerdy but its funny, and cool and reminds me of all thats good in life.

  41. Gloria:

    Country music seems to always lift my spirits when im feeling down

  42. Carrie, i love wrock to! it’s amazing, especilly the weasleys by them remus lupins. And taylor swift

  43. June:

    When I get sad, I start listening to sad emotional music only to end up feeling even worse.

  44. Pallavi:

    Moon River – audrey hepburn

  45. Nick:

    Any acoustic music or lively music. Lifts my spirits almost instantly.

  46. Daniel:

    There is a christian music group called Tenth Avenue North and just about any of their song will put me in a good mood.

  47. Michelle:

    the Backstreet Boys.

  48. Jane:

    Brain damage by Pink Floyd

  49. erika:

    anything i can blast and scream the lyrics too.

  50. AM:

    Aerosmith πŸ™‚

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