Even though I have gotten much better, I still use food as a crutch at times. I would love to move beyond that finally!
Bernice Get enough sleep
Always needing hot chocolate in the mornings… gotta quit that.
Being grumpy and frustrated all the time. It’s getting to a point where I don’t recognize myself anymore.
Rage-ohol. I’m a rage-oholic and it’s not even funny.
And missing my ex.
Cussing constantly. I cannot seem to stop.
complaining and not keeping my mouth shut about business I have no right to be talking about.
Grumpyness and being a rage-oholic…
Watching so much TV instead of living life. Putting off the things I want to accomplish because I’m afraid that I might fail and I’m afraid to succeed.
I have to stop procrastinate and stop wasting my time!!
I should stop eating in place of sleep late at night, because it only keeps me awake longer
Eating when I’m not even hungry, I just don’t know when to stop.
over analyzing.
Judging people and worrying myself to sickness.
used to care way too much what insignificant people will think of me. NOW AM BEGINNING TO KNOW BETTER;
“Be who u are, and say what u feel,
because those who mind, Don’t Matter
and those who matter, Don’t Mind”
– Dr.Seuss
Falling for our culture’s demonizing of smoking.
Being such a pessimist and compulsive eating.
Eating for comfort
Being irritable.
Hiding the compassion I feel.
J, you said everything that I wanted to say. Good luck 🙂
Being scared to succeed and take chances, pushing people away when they start to get close to me, and telling myself I need to be skinnier, tanner, have better hair, I need to realize I’m beautiful just the way I am.
1. Picking my nails
2. judging people
Not taking my meds, fighting, blurting out half-formed thoughts.
being a perfectionist
failed Archie:
procrastinating via kinky porn and stumbleupon
sleeping all day/staying up all night/wasting away my life
thinking intensely disturbing/suicidal thoughts as a way to comfort myself
eating my feelings.
being emo and miserable, yet plastering a huge smile on my face
not having confidence in my work
believing that certain people are better than me…and being in turn ashamed of myself
Worrying myself to death.
Cutting and starving myself.
judging people.
being poker face… 🙂
i will put more expressions onto my face 🙂
Judging people , being harsh on myself , stopping myself from taking risks & living life …
Even though I have gotten much better, I still use food as a crutch at times. I would love to move beyond that finally!
Get enough sleep
Always needing hot chocolate in the mornings… gotta quit that.
Being grumpy and frustrated all the time. It’s getting to a point where I don’t recognize myself anymore.
Rage-ohol. I’m a rage-oholic and it’s not even funny.
And missing my ex.
Cussing constantly. I cannot seem to stop.
complaining and not keeping my mouth shut about business I have no right to be talking about.
Grumpyness and being a rage-oholic…
Watching so much TV instead of living life. Putting off the things I want to accomplish because I’m afraid that I might fail and I’m afraid to succeed.
Swearing, judging people
I have to stop procrastinate and stop wasting my time!!
I should stop eating in place of sleep late at night, because it only keeps me awake longer
Eating when I’m not even hungry, I just don’t know when to stop.
over analyzing.
Judging people and worrying myself to sickness.
used to care way too much what insignificant people will think of me. NOW AM BEGINNING TO KNOW BETTER;
“Be who u are, and say what u feel,
because those who mind, Don’t Matter
and those who matter, Don’t Mind”
– Dr.Seuss
Falling for our culture’s demonizing of smoking.
Being such a pessimist and compulsive eating.
Eating for comfort
Being irritable.
Hiding the compassion I feel.
J, you said everything that I wanted to say. Good luck 🙂
Being scared to succeed and take chances, pushing people away when they start to get close to me, and telling myself I need to be skinnier, tanner, have better hair, I need to realize I’m beautiful just the way I am.
1. Picking my nails
2. judging people
Not taking my meds, fighting, blurting out half-formed thoughts.
being a perfectionist
procrastinating via kinky porn and stumbleupon
sleeping all day/staying up all night/wasting away my life
thinking intensely disturbing/suicidal thoughts as a way to comfort myself
eating my feelings.
being emo and miserable, yet plastering a huge smile on my face
not having confidence in my work
believing that certain people are better than me…and being in turn ashamed of myself
Procrastination. It’s become such a bad habit recently. In fact, I’m procrastinating right now.
Lying to my parents, and spending hours in my room.
Procrastination, judging, and reservation have never gotten me anywhere pleasant.
Judging others, instead of seeing their “light”.
Using the computer too much
Not looking at the good side of others
Thinking too much
judging people.
binge eating when I am stressed.