have respect for the elderly. always, always, always. they are never outdated
Live and let live
Every rule has an exception
remember to remember your only human 😉 and I would say another good one is to judge yourself by yourself and were you’ve come from, not on what other people have done or have.
Let God rule your life and you don’t have to worry about what rules to follow because He will guide you
Never take things seriously
Do to others as you would like them to do to you.
Acknowledge your body, listen to your mind, believe in your heart.
The greatest thing in life is to love and be loved in return.
The only real rules in life are those you set for yourself.
For one person, “The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do, and what a man can’t do.” For this character, perhaps this is true. For others, maybe the rule that must never be broken is that you should “never give up.”
None are right or wrong. The rules of life are individually crafted by the individual, and are subject to change. How much they matter and how unbreakable they are is up to the individual.
For some, no such rules exist. Though, just saying, isn’t that itself a rule? 🙂
Accept yourself and all things around you for what they are.cherish your memories, learn from your past mistakes and always keep moving on.
Dont give up no matter what happens.
Love your neighbor as yourself, and treat others how you want to be treated.
The rule of life that I have set for myself that should never be broken is always be compassionate. Also, I agree with Kalie, nature is the purest thing about and in life.
The rule of life that I have set for myself that should never be broken is always be compassionate. Compassion is something not everyone has, but is one of the greatest things. Tolerance is also something that should remained forever. Also, I agree with Kalie, nature is the purest thing about and in life.
Love and care for others. Never stop caring.
blue eyes:
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Never giving up on yourself and never stop putting effort into getting the person you want to be.
Be excellent to each other.
Do what makes you happy.
Pure Country 2:
Never tell a lie
Always be fair
Never break a promise
…there are rules of life?
i agree with m also, every rule has its moments where it is meant to be broken
the rules you set for life should never be broken unless you have a reason..never change yourself. be yourself forever.
Never stop trying.
Never take things seriously.
Harming Mother Nature. No one should EVER take the Earth we live on for advantage.
Every rule I can think of has an exception.
Just stay true to yourself
have respect for the elderly. always, always, always. they are never outdated
Live and let live
Every rule has an exception
remember to remember your only human 😉 and I would say another good one is to judge yourself by yourself and were you’ve come from, not on what other people have done or have.
Let God rule your life and you don’t have to worry about what rules to follow because He will guide you
Never take things seriously
Do to others as you would like them to do to you.
Acknowledge your body, listen to your mind, believe in your heart.
Accept your own and be yourself.
The greatest thing in life is to love and be loved in return.
The only real rules in life are those you set for yourself.
For one person, “The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do, and what a man can’t do.” For this character, perhaps this is true. For others, maybe the rule that must never be broken is that you should “never give up.”
None are right or wrong. The rules of life are individually crafted by the individual, and are subject to change. How much they matter and how unbreakable they are is up to the individual.
For some, no such rules exist. Though, just saying, isn’t that itself a rule? 🙂
Accept yourself and all things around you for what they are.cherish your memories, learn from your past mistakes and always keep moving on.
Dont give up no matter what happens.
Love your neighbor as yourself, and treat others how you want to be treated.
The rule of life that I have set for myself that should never be broken is always be compassionate. Also, I agree with Kalie, nature is the purest thing about and in life.
The rule of life that I have set for myself that should never be broken is always be compassionate. Compassion is something not everyone has, but is one of the greatest things. Tolerance is also something that should remained forever. Also, I agree with Kalie, nature is the purest thing about and in life.
Love and care for others. Never stop caring.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Never giving up on yourself and never stop putting effort into getting the person you want to be.
Be excellent to each other.
Do what makes you happy.
Never tell a lie
Always be fair
Never break a promise
Never kill anyone, never anyone, never yourself.
Manners will take you a long way.