Question 683

Photo by: Noukka Signe

34 Responses to “Question 683”

  1. Drew:

    Not really any I guess, this past year has mainly been killing time and waiting. Which is sad, but I suppose it’s true.

  2. Robert L:

    Many times during the summer

  3. m:

    when i was sleeping.. umm when i was in 4th grade in alabama.. we were in a lock down drill for hours and the fun we had just playing silent games.

  4. Wesley:

    Many thoughts come to mind:
    Many trips to California, participating in a Disney 1/2 marathon, memorable birthday’s and holiday’s. ..

    If I had to pick one, then I suppose a trip to Catalina Island over summer with my girlfriend.
    First time that far out into the ocean, saw dolphins, went scuba diving and snorkeling. A really beautiful place and best of all it was with an even more beautiful person. <3

  5. Angria:

    Seeing an important person again. Even if it was only for a few hours, it still made up for a year lost.

  6. jw:

    I stayed at home without work.

  7. Tina:

    The moment I decided to serve a mission for my church.

  8. bartok:

    01-01-’11 at 00:01 when I kissed the girl I’ve been in love with for over 3 years

  9. Brittany:

    12/20/2011 – The day I got accepted into medical school after two years of trying. I’m finally going to be a doctor!

  10. Nishita:

    25th August’11
    The Moment when i found out that my best friend had died last night in the hospital after struggling for so many days.

  11. Nina:

    The decision to put Mom in a nursing home.

  12. Colleen:

    My little ones starting new schools.

  13. Grac(ie):

    When the principal pulled me out of class to tell me that I was valedictorian.

  14. Heather:

    getting my dog. She has been one of the greatest things to happen to me this past year.

  15. bsf:

    one time that i remember vividly that made me feel so good about my life and my friends was when i was out from school for a day because i was sick and my best friend called me during school just to make sure i was ok.

  16. jacy:

    putting my face to the for head of my nine year old cousin who was dieing.
    knowing i was going to walk out of that hospital with out my little guy

  17. Rachel:

    getting my new awesome job :]

  18. Anna:

    the day i finally asked her if she wanted to go out with me

  19. erika:

    Going to a school. It has really helped me this far, normally i’m depressed.

  20. tahi:

    many things happened in the past, every time i think of the past i remember different events. it’s not always the depends on my feelings 🙂

  21. Alicia:

    The first time someone I really cared about calling me a woman, getting my first job(s), several memories with my boyfriend <3

  22. Ann:

    Totaled car, graduation, moving out, new car, 3 years with a great guy

  23. HOney Dias:

    I Experience n Learned lesson on how to deal with financial crisis, i Learn to be wise and Focus of my goal in life. And i let go my pain and accept the fact that friends comes and go.

  24. Shannon:

    Realizing how good true love feels

  25. Evelyn:

    How I grew up. Realising that we can’t keep everyone for ever. Sometimes it’s better to let go.

  26. Courtney:

    Driving past a graveyard late at night and seeing all the lights & stars.

  27. LulúM:

    Getting this not so good but well paid job, starting a fling with J and then him ending it… getting a new dog Mosha! Realizing I need to stop drinking.
    Signing up for a 18 months course to become a makeup artist, very exciting this last one!

  28. Rayton:

    The end of highschool festival, especially the prom.

  29. Alexandra:

    17. pregnant. forced into abortion = summer 2011.

  30. Danielle:

    Not an exact moment but when I started to realize that I was becoming the person i’m supposed to be gradually. With the influence from certain people that came into my life. What if I had never met them? Would I still be a little lost.

  31. Rina:

    8-6-11, I kissed my crush who turned out to be my first love. A month later, he and I broke up and he cut me out of his life for various reasons. I have that kiss etched in my memory, and the past week (first week of February, 2012), I can finally say it doesn’t give me butterflies anymore. I’m finally getting over him.

  32. Lauren:

    The one that made me see my future… God bless.

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