Question 708

Photo by: Sean Molin

27 Responses to “Question 708”

  1. Wesley:

    Having her in my life, I’ve never been happier. <3

  2. ant:

    i beleive this is down to the individua because everyone has there own needs and aims in life. What makes one person feel complete may not create the same experience in another. But have you ever question whether humans will ever experience the peacefulness of completeness. We are always striving wanting things and experiences that we do not have?

  3. Ravi:

    If something can make me feel complete then it means some other thing can make me feel incomplete. They are two sides of same coin and you can’t have one without another. The real question would be ‘What is complete?’

  4. Jack:

    Being “Normal” makes you feel complete…

    The word “Normal” is kind of weird to fills your wishes but the more you think about it, the more you will feel that being Normal completes you…

  5. Danni:

    My horse

  6. Drew:

    Other people.

  7. JJ:

    A really good night’s sleep

  8. Javier:

    Accomplishing goals.

  9. jw:

    dreams and love

  10. Cari:


  11. Besides having Christ in my life, having a close relationship with my children and grandchildren, they are my life at least here on earth. I never thought possible when I was younger that I’d be able to ever love someone so much and intensely but after having my children I soon found out I was wrong.

  12. Christ, my kids and grand kids they are my life here on earth.

  13. dada:

    he does, …but right now I am not complete 🙁

  14. Inge:

    Just lying in the grass with the warmth of the sun on my face, and realizing how immensely beautiful the world is.

  15. Courtney:

    Being lost in the moment–
    Knowing everything and everyone is going to be fine.

  16. Heather:

    that is a fantastic question. I have no Idea. Haven’t found it yet.

  17. Alicia:

    Being in his arms, knowing he is there. <3
    I didn't know I could feel this happy <3

  18. Becky:

    being loved 😉

  19. UC_86:


  20. Fiona:

    When I’ve made a difference, something to really point to as proof that I am here for a reason.

  21. Debi:

    So many great answers… I agree with them all especially Fiona! I feel complete when I have done my best and at the end of the day i can fall asleep with no regrets.

  22. Rayton:

    music, playing the piano, learning things that interest me, enjoy someone´s company completely and being inspired.

  23. Alex:

    Achiving my goals, being with the people i love and the precious moments i will never forget in my life.

  24. Lauren:

    Getting closer to who I was born to be, and further away from who I once was….

  25. Me:

    Accepting myself for what I am

  26. Julia:

    Being connected to the Earth.

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