Question 838

Photo by: Aurelien aka Ores

34 Responses to “Question 838”

  1. Drew:


    Fuck you.

    I love you.

    I miss you.

  2. Jodie:


  3. Susan:

    My son

  4. Someone who was my best friend

  5. Cari:

    I miss my cat Nemo the most…he disappeared when we moved.
    I also miss my horses who no longer live with us. Having
    All our animals close to us made me feel like my family was always around me.
    Now it feels like half of us are missing!

  6. karina:

    i miss my GRANDPA since i never met my dad he has been the dad i never had. He passed away a few month ago and i miss him so much wishing he was here with me.

  7. My father … who passed away more than a decade ago. He was the best man I’ve ever known.

  8. Ella:

    I miss my mother. She passed away from cancer when I was 10, but she was a great person. (I’ve watched home videos, played her piano music she made, etc.).

  9. Han:

    For you, I would have built a palace, but from the ashes of my love for you, I have risen to surpass the potential I thought we had together.

  10. Fenny:

    My best friends. We don’t talk as much as we used to, different priorities; maybe we’ve also grown apart. It makes me realize, people will eventually leave at one point, it’s just a matter of time.

  11. rarity:

    My friend lauren. 3 years ago she meant so much to me, but then we didnt see each other for 3 years. We saw each other and were like omg I miss you! but now I think I may never see her again and I fucking miss her…

  12. Becky:

    My friend in the army

  13. Mazl:

    I shouldn’t say this when so many close friends have recently died.. but… my dog Holly who died in October last year… her empty space is everywhere… but especially in my heart…. what is it about pets?

  14. dada:

    no one at this moment ! …hm…is that good or bad ?



  16. y:

    My older sis

  17. Tash:

    Hopefully without making this a cliché – the one i still haven’t met.

  18. dominick, everyday

  19. R.T.:

    Jeff 🙂

  20. Star:

    The ocean and finding dimes from my gramma

  21. m:

    My mom. Wish she would come back soon

  22. Jana:

    …… Sergey

  23. karina:

    eduardo my boyfriend and my grandma who passed away, i miss her everyday

  24. Cass:

    Ryan; because I know he’s coming back.

  25. southerngirl:


  26. Me:

    My love

  27. erika:

    my sister and my boyfriend

  28. Rayton:


  29. Samicisco:

    David….my love who is away

  30. AM:

    My best friend Blaine who passed away in 2010. And my Aunt Kay was passed away in 2011 🙁 Miss them both SO much.

  31. Valerie:

    My pet chispa, she died this year, when I was down she used to join me, and she was very shy but very sweet with extranjers, i saw a lot of myself in her and now she’s gone.

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