Question 908

Photo by: Gerlos

31 Responses to “Question 908”

  1. free money

  2. Catherine:

    a loyal man

  3. Mazl:


  4. Agnessa:

    A perfectly ripe ander tastefull non-fibery mango in the Netherlands.

  5. Susan:

    Unconditional love.

  6. Samson:

    True love, faithfulness, someone with no agenda, a good book, the almost perfect pair of _______, mercy, understanding people’s motivations, answers to the big questions of life…

  7. karina:

    A good friend that will stick with you through the bad and the good times.

  8. AM:


  9. Tapestry:

    In life when you have;unconditional love,perfect mangos,& loyalty
    you tend not to look for those important things in life.
    So many come to me for help,obese friends, lonely people & unwanted
    cats & dogs.
    I think something hard to find is the energy to give.The energy to give comes
    from the love received. The energy to love the unloved comes from pure love.

  10. annya:

    I agree with mazi – its simplicity.

  11. Vanessa:


  12. Elle:

    a man worth finding.

  13. joana:

    A true friends,

  14. Me:

    Like Joana said, A true Friend, who doesn’t give up on you.

  15. Patrizia:

    Nonjudgmental people

  16. Lacey:

    A man that is better than the one you always dreamed of.

  17. Priyanka:

    One self.Discovering one own self is very hard but not impossible.

  18. avi:

    That original you that God created, but you have been busy since day one screwing up.

  19. BR:

    A sweet, smart, & good looking guy.

  20. Lisa:

    More people so others love and compassion.

  21. People you can really trust!!!!! Also,a good mate!!!!

  22. Navyshebee:

    Peace and Serenity

  23. Annabelle:

    Someone who truly loves you and will love you for the rest of your life, Loyal trustful friends,

  24. Music:

    The perfect person to love and be loved by

  25. Unbelievaburgers:

    Women stripping seductively, then engaging in a naked pillow fight and tickling each other until they give in to passion, in front of a wide-open window

  26. Me:

    self less love

  27. Monet:

    People you can trust.

  28. Jitske:

    Unconditional love

  29. SwagQueen:

    Mahh feet cuz i amz soo fatt

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