Question 1131

Photo by: Jonathan Kos-Read

18 Responses to “Question 1131”

  1. I’ve always have trouble with my sleep. I don’t do it enough.

  2. shipra:

    Writing in coherence

  3. Mazl:

    staying focused

  4. Susan:

    Saying “I’m sorry”

  5. KK:

    Peace of mind.

  6. Arthur Hutchinson:

    calculus and staying positive

  7. Christine Ha:

    manage time and emotion to fell comfortable with things happening in a day

  8. Fiona:

    my emotions. (typical angsty teen answer, isn’t it? sigh.)

  9. Renee:

    emotions, being to sensitive, and a lack of self-compassion

  10. dada:

    guys who don’t want to infront to their problems

  11. Alayna:

    Arriving at a decision to any of my problems

  12. Czarie:

    not having sharp memory and attention to details

  13. Brianna:

    Not listening to details.

  14. Jude:

    Getting Angry

  15. Hotchkiss:

    My exam and looking at the marks…

  16. JRB:

    Accepting myself.

  17. Senbon:

    Expressing my thoughts and feelings
    When I convey it, the wrong message is interpreted

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