Question 1256

Photo by: Ben Smith

18 Responses to “Question 1256”

  1. Karen:

    I finally joined a support group to help deal with my husband’s bipolar and borderline personality disorder diagnosis. I’ve been putting this off for over a year because he was stable, but a relapse last weekend showed me the importance of having someone to talk to who understands what I am going through. This was a HUGE win this week!

  2. Eljai:

    Completing art projects.

  3. Janice Smith:

    Acing my exams for the week and potentially getting a yellow belt for tae kwon do. (Haven’t figured out the results, but fingers crossed.) Also making a sweet wire tree.

  4. M:

    I started my M.Sc. today

  5. Josephine:

    I’ve been feeling a little down lately so my win of the week is actually telling someone about it. Took a lot for me to do that.

  6. Stephanie:

    Yesterday I was the little bird in the nest in a high tree. I’d flown before, but it’s easier to stay in the nest. Dad gave me a kick out of the nest and didn’t even look to see if I spread my wings. I did! What a flight it was. I flew faster and higher and better than ever before. It was the best flight of my life.

    Here’s the real story without metaphor.

    I was photographing a university marching band. It was my first time. I am an official event photographer for our kid’s high school band, complete with credentials to be on the field. I was by the end zone. The main photographer was in the press booth. He texted me. “Where r u? 50 yard line!” I went there posthaste. I was there with the university’s photographer, as well as a number of other university band officials. I was at the edge of the field, photographing as I’d never done before. It’s an incredible experience being in front of 370 band members playing 5 or 10 feet away from you. The pictures I got are beyond anything I’ve ever done before.

    Thank you H___ for kicking me out of my nest. Thank you God for the opportunity. Thank you Julia for watching over me throughout the day that threatened to go so poorly but actually couldn’t have gone better.

    That’s my big win of the week. It’s a win that is probably going to be the big win of the year.

  7. dada:

    learning some anti strees methods last 3 weeks I finnaly manage to sleep great few days in a road !!! after a 1,5 year !

  8. Katie:

    Pranked a couple of friends by wrapping up most of their offices in wrapping paper. Harmless pranks are the best.

  9. Kennedy:

    Going to State for SpellBowl!

  10. msgemini:

    Big win of the week is eating granola bar to sleep even though i was starving for fried chicken

  11. Shannon:

    I finally went to the gym at work after caring my gym cloths in for the last month and not going!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. JRB:


  13. Mary:

    Took part in a running race and actually came third in the heats.despite of me being heavier than most.

  14. jasmine:

    Getting a date

  15. Having time to myself with friends this week, away from my boyfriend. And hopefully a day off work to look forward to and enjoy.

  16. annie:

    got into college!

  17. Joleen:

    I lost my future plans.
    That’s a win, because if I hadn’t lost them I wouldn’t be thinking about my future, I would just run into the next big fault of mine.
    So I’M glad that I lost them… Of course I have to find other dreams and plans, but I think I can do that ๐Ÿ˜€

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