18 Answers »
Me, myself and I
my dog Archie
Spirit, my Dog… Actually, he is not “mine”. We just co-habitate.
My boyfriend, J, the love of my life.
It depends, myself or my BF.
My mirror bcoz when i cry it does not laugh.
Nilufer, my love!
The outside.
God, my guy and my dogs, sometimes not in that order…..
my best friend who gets me and loves me as a whole, who i dont see enough
my partner, my soulmate! G!
my dog.
The beach with some music (preferably indie)
With me
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Me, myself and I
my dog Archie
Spirit, my Dog… Actually, he is not “mine”. We just co-habitate.
My boyfriend, J, the love of my life.
It depends, myself or my BF.
My mirror bcoz when i cry it does not laugh.
Nilufer, my love!
The outside.
God, my guy and my dogs, sometimes not in that order…..
my best friend who gets me and loves me as a whole, who i dont see enough
my partner, my soulmate! G!
my dog.
The beach with some music (preferably indie)
With me
Comment Moderation is a characteristic which permits
the web site proprietor and creator to watch and control the
comments on the totally different article posts, and may
also help in tackling comment spam.